Claremount Hall
"Claremount Hall stood still, towering over the silver birch trees which whispered in the wind below. It seemed as if it existed outside of space and time - itself a living, breathing organism. It had stood, desolate and foreboding, for the last 100 years, and it seemed as though it could easily survive an eternity of 1000 more."
A brooding, dark gothic thriller/horror novel with gnarled twists and turns sure to shock you, leaving the reader contemplating the novel's contents far after they have read it. If you are a fan of any kind of thriller or horror, from Gone Girl to Jane Eyre or the Castle of Ontranto, this is the novel for you.
With echoes of ghost stories of past, and original plot twists and turns, my new novel will be sure to keep you hanging on the edge of your seat. With nail-biting revelations and tension masterfully built up throughout the novel, you will be unable to put this down, hopefully!
Emily x